Deadline: before 31 March 2025
Those wishing to present scientific papers are encouraged to submit unpublished work in abstract form. We welcome papers on historical aspects of anaesthesia, analgesia, intensive care medicine, resuscitation, pain management, first aid, military organisation and veterinary anaesthesia. Abstracts on medical humanities or ethical topics related to the history of these fields are welcome. Ethical topics related to the history of these fields are also invited.
All abstracts and presentations must be written in English.
Presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes, including 5 minutes of discussion.
Submitted abstracts should be formatted as follows:
Single-sided, A 4 paper in Times New Roman, 10 point, less than 750 words
Up to three references and a maximum of two figures/tables may be included.
Indicate the names of all authors and the name of the principal author.
Include a postal address and any affiliations you wish to be included in the programme.
All abstracts should be sent by email to
Please include an email address, contact address and telephone number.
It is strongly advised to submit abstracts as early as possible. Abstracts will be reviewed in the order in which they are received.
All accepted papers will be published in a digital proceedings booklet.